Cardiawave featured in a recent article by Cardiovascular Business !

December 14th 2023

🚀 Cardiawave was featured in a recent article by Cardiovascular Business, highlighting the potential of our non-invasive ultrasound therapy device for the treatment of aortic stenosis to become part of current and future medical solutions !

Thanks to Cardiovascular Business for this opportunity, all Cardiawave’s team and partners are working hard for this potentiality to become a reality soon.

🔍 Read the full article here:

#HeartValveDisease #FocusedUltrasound #AorticStenosis #NIUT #FrenchCare #Health20
Cardiovascular Business AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris Physics for Medicine Paris#InstitutLangevinCNRS – Centre national de la recherche scientifiqueESPCI Paris – PSLInserm RHU STOP AS