The entire team is pleased and proud to have obtained the renewal of the EN ISO 13485: 2016 certification !
November, 4th 2022
The entire Cardiawave team is pleased and proud to have obtained the renewal of the EN ISO 13485: 2016 certification !
Issued after an audit by Dekra Certification BV, an independent certification body of international renown (and also an EU notified body for medical devices), this certification demonstrates the compliance of Cardiawave’s quality management system with this standard.
The company is committed to maintaining the highest level of quality in its products and its quality management system.
Maurice Delplanque Luc MORISSET Emmanuel Messas Mathieu Pernot Mickaël Tanter Bpifrance CNRS – Centre national de la recherche scientifique Medicen Paris Region SNITEM MedTech in France La French Tech AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris Inserm
#institutlangevin #echotherapy #heartvalvedisease #aorticstenosis #heartfailure #cardiology #focusedultrasounds #SMEInstrument #RHUStopAS #Medtech #Deeptech #healthtech #health #certification #ISO13485_2016 #quality